Little Kicks
Today I am 23 weeks pregnant! With Maverick, I was able to catch him kicking on camera at 23 weeks so I was hoping to do the same this time around. This morning, Maverick woke up early (6am), Jim brought him to our room he hung out with us for a little then back to his crib he went. Waverly must’ve known her big brother was up because she became super active. I took out my phone and started recording. Although she is quite the kicker, I know how small her arms and legs are so I wasn’t sure if the camera would pick anything up. As I’m typing this, she is still kicking around! I couldn’t believe it when I saw the slightest movement in my belly. All the kicking in these videos happen below my belly button on the right side. It may be hard to catch, but I had to post these videos for me. Do you know what it’s like to feel all the life inside of you but have to think about a funeral? It may sound morbid, but the law states that any baby in utero that passes after 20 weeks gestation must...