5-ish Years Later..

Hi all! I wasn’t sure if anyone still checked this (and I forgot my login information)… but turns out this blog still gets visitors. I figured I would just do a new blog post since it’s been 4 years since the last one. Maybe you’re on a similar path as I was and you’re like “Dang, these posts are old. How is she doing now?” I say this because there was a blog I found while pregnant with Waverly that was already a few years old. The final post was about the birth/death and then nothing. I often wondered how they were doing. So here is a little synopsis of life after carrying to term and child loss. I had another baby boy, Weston, December 12, 2020. He was born via repeat c-section. He was healthy and I had an uneventful pregnancy/surgery. I breastfed for 18 months with no problems. In August of 2021, we moved to a bigger home for our family. We are surrounded by great neighbors and lots of kids. In the fall of 2021, I started a new position at work and was able to work from ...