Third Trimester!

Wow, I can’t believe we are in this final stretch! I’m so happy our baby girl is staying strong and still with us. The OB doctor I was originally seeing said she would most likely die at 26 weeks. Well here we are, week 28. I’m praying we can make it as close to 40 weeks as possible. I really don’t have any updates. I had a regular OB appointment on 5/23, Waverly’s heart rate was a strong 149. I also had the beloved glucose test ordered which I took the other day. I’d like to look back on this second trimester. With Maverick I really enjoyed the 2nd trimester. The little morning sickness I had was gone, I had my energy back, I had a belly but wasn’t uncomfortable, I knew the gender so I started buying clothes, nursery decor and registering for his baby shower. This time around, things were different. We found out Waverly’s gender at 9 weeks 6 days. I was estatic she was a girl. I immediately started to look at paint colors, the cutest bows and clothes. When I hit the 12 week mark,...