One Year

Well, we did it. We made it through the first year. When we didn’t think we would make it the first couple days... the first couple weeks. We did it. We honored Waverly in so many ways and we still have plans to honor her in the future that were just not feasible this year. We celebrated all the “first” holidays. We’re currently experiencing pregnancy after a loss. We’ve had many fights, many silent nights, but we’ve had many smiles and many laughters as well. We’ve lost some friends and are forever grateful for the ones who stood by our sides. This year feels like the quickest yet longest year of our lives. Losing a child is not an easy journey. It’s not something that anyone wants, but unfortunately losing a child was written for us. It’s our story. As I look back on this past year, I see how I grew and am still growing. I’ve said “no” to many events. I learned to not be a “people pleaser”. Something I’ve always struggled with. I’ve learned to find time for myself and lear...