Palliative Care Visit
Early this morning we had our second CHOP visit. This visit consisted of a quick ultrasound and a meeting with the perinatal palliative team. We started off the appointment with the ultrasound. It was a quick ultrasound, checking position and growth. Her heart rate is 133 BPM. Waverly weighs 1.3 pounds which is pretty low for her gestational age (30+3 weeks). Her long bones continue to measure behind. Her bones are measuring anywhere from 8-11 weeks behind. The good news is that her bones are still growing, they didn’t stop. However, they will remain measuring anywhere from 5-15 weeks behind. Nothing else really has changed since last ultrasound. She remains in the breech position and my amniotic fluid levels remain normal. Jim and I also had blood work done for a research study on birth defects. The study really has no benefit to us, but it may help answer some questions for future cases. We then met with the perinatal palliative team. The team that we met with consisted of...