
Hi there, welcome to Waverly’s page. This is my first time blogging and it’s for such unfortunate reasons. I’ve decided to do this as a way to cope with my emotions and keep friends and family updated. I have a private Facebook group that I used to keep them updated on strictly medical info, this is more so a blog for me. So for those that have found this page by doing immense Google searches after finding yourself in similar shoes, I am sorry. I will do a quick introduction for those that are not familiar. My name is Emily and my husband’s name is Jim. We’ve been together for 8+ years, and married for 2+ years. We welcomed our first child, Maverick Apollo, a day after our first wedding anniversary. He was born on September 26, 2017 at 11:27pm weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. He puts a smile on our face every single day. We also adopted two dogs, Loki from the Bahamas and Thor from Puerto Rico. They make our life very interesting. We both grew up in So...